Сипос Янош .

    Сипос Я...,
Страницы:238-244      Язык:  lorem    DOI:10.33514/1694-7851-2022-3-238-244

Hungarian scholars have long been searching for the eastern relations of the Hungarian people and culture. Several of them, including Ármin Vámbéry, György Almásy and Gyula Prinz also visited areas in today’s Kyrgyzstan. In 2002 and 2004 as the representative of ethnomusicology I collected in three major regions: At-Başı, Narın and Talas, recording songs which the Kyrgyz themselves regarded as belonging to their folk culture. The number of the collected melodies was more than 1500. After transcribing, analyzing and classifying the material, now I would like to say a few words on an important Kyrgyz musical style: the lament.

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