Сон А .

    Сон А...,
Страницы:251-258      Язык:  lorem    DOI:DOI 10.33514/1694-7851-2024-2/1-251-258

The article examines the goal, key function of the linguocountry aspect and its role in learning a foreign language. Linguocountry studies, unlike regional studies, has its own research material, reflecting not only the culture, history, geography of the country of the language being studied, but also contains knowledge about linguistic fact, and allows students to understand the nationally historical features of this fact, characteristic of a different linguocountry community. Language, in turn, is a source of information to the culture of the country of the language being studied, its traditions, history, and geography. The inclusion of linguocountry studies materials in teaching a foreign language contributes to the development of linguistic skills (vocabulary enrichment, development of translation skills, ability to work with stable combinations), and also introduces the student to certain aspects of foreign language culture (country history, politics and economics, traditions, art). This aspect contains certain linguistic and cultural knowledge. In addition, it includes knowledge about speech and non-speech behavior. The content of this aspect can be considered all linguocountry material that carries pedagogical value, promotes the learning of communication skills in a foreign language and introduces the country of this language to the culture. The use of the linguocountry aspect contributes to the formation of learning motivation. The article also discusses some problems of the linguistic and regional aspect.

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