Scientific and Innovation Department of I. Arabaev KSU accepts for consideration previously unpublished scientific articles that correspond to the scientific and thematic content of the publication.

       In accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for professional publications, a scientific article must contain:

1. Statement of the problem and determination of the relevance and its research;

2. Analysis of recent research and publications, highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;

3. Theoretical foundations of the research, methodology and characteristics of the empirical base;

4. Presentation of the main results of the research in accordance with the objectives;

5. Conclusions and prospects for using the results of the study.

Technical requirements

  1. UDC article (on the first page in the upper left corner)
  2. Full Name of the author in Kyrgyz, Russian and English
  3. Academic degree, academic title in Kyrgyz, Russian and English
  4. Place of work, country and city in Kyrgyz, Russian and English
  5. Email address of the author
  6. Title of the article ( Kyrgyz, Russian and English). Written in capital letters. A dot is not put after the title.
  7. Abstract - in Kyrgyz, Russian and English (5-10 lines).
  8. Keywords - in Kyrgyz, Russian, and English (minimum 10 words).

9) The volume of the article - 12,000 - 30,000 symbols (including spaces) (5-8 typewritten pages or 0.3 - 0.5 printed sheets)

    10) Bibliographic information should be submitted at the end of the article in the form of a list of references in alphabetical order (first sources typed in Cyrillic, then in Latin) in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.7-2009.

Links - in the form of square brackets [4, p. 54], where the first digit indicates the number of the source according to the list of references, and the second - the page.

Required parameters of the electronic version of the article:

  • file in Word format;
  • type Times New Roman, size - 14, line spacing - 1, page fields- 2 cm from all sides;


Design of tables and figures:

  • each graphic material (photos, tables, drawings, charts, diagrams) must be numbered and signed;
  • inscriptions and other designations on graphs and figures should be clear and easy to read.


• Articles of authors with a scientific degree areaccompanied by one external review by a doctor/candidate of sciences in the specialty of publication.

• Articles whose authors do not have a scientific degree are accompanied by two (including one external) reviews by a doctor/candidate of sciences in the specialty of publication or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department (department) on the recommendation of the article for publication, which can replace the internal review.

• The review is   submitted with the signature of the reviewer, certified by the seal of the organization in which the reviewer works.

• Articles signed by the authors express their views, which may not coincide with the position of the RISO.

• Expertise of the editorial board has an intra-editorial purpose (confidential).

• As necessary, the editor has the right to shorten articles and make literary editing.

• Articles that do not meet the above requirements for publication will not be accepted.

• Paper copies of unpublished articles, as well as electronic media and illustrations arenot returned to the author.

*Note:Responsibility for the reliability of the facts and data presented in the article, the validity of the conclusions drawn and the scientific level of the article are the responsibility of the authors and reviewers.