Gupta Dr. Vivek Kumar .

     Gupta D..., Gupta D...,
Страницы:264-270      Язык:  lorem    DOI:DOI 10.33514/1694-7851-2023-2-264-270

Social media has undoubtedly transformed the way people communicate, access information, and engage with various aspects of society. In the realm of higher education, social media has emerged as a powerful platform for contemporary learning, collaboration, and engagement in the 21st century. This paper will focus on the Facebook, widely used by across the world The quick selection of technologies related to social media has brought about a basic move in the manner collaboration and communication effort occurs. As students and staff employ the technologies of social media in its own lives, it is critical to investigate how technologies related to social media are being employed as an educational apparatus. The objective of paper is to examine the job of social media, specifically, Facebook is the educational apparatus in higher education. Through survey of the writing, this paper investigates the heap manners through which the Facebook is being employed as an educational apparatus for teaching and learning. Numerous advantages of Facebook use for teaching and learning have been distinguished, for example, expanded student-student and student-student connection, improved execution, the accommodation of learning and higher commitment. The paper additionally features the potential issues and impediments of Facebook use going from teachers' predominance to security concerns. At last, Facebook use rules that can be embraced by teachers to empower adoption of social media are proposed. As the social media use keeps on developing in the higher education, future observational research is justified. 

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